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Eva Greenの直筆サイン入り写真 (15 / 15ページ):

Eva Green GREAT success! - 2011年5月27日
probably my first great success in which the actress writes SOMETHING to me! im so happy! can't remember when i sent it off, probably like 1 month ago, it wasn't long thats for sure! sent it to her Frace address which is in the forum. Sent her:self-addressed evelope with a 98c International stamp(which i dont think worked over there, i was worried about this, but they put a France 87c stamp on it for me, THANK GOD! ) Letter + Q&A(which i didn't get back but its all okay! ) Photos (3) And 2 CD's. i saw a interview where she says she loves soundtracks. i got all happy cuz im like the only one that ever likes soundtracks, so i sent her my favorite composers, Thomas Newman and Yann Tiersen. Obviously she has good taste since she likes them. ;) Got back my photos signed and a little message to me. Ahh i could die! ))

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Eva Green personalised. - 2011年5月6日
repost to replenish database Hi all. Sent off to Eva Green, most famous for her doomed Bond girl Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale, in June 2010. I received a personalised reply less than a month later. Address used: Eva Green Tavistock Wood 45 Conduit Street London, W1S 2YN UK Pics Here: http://007collection.blogspot.com/2010/ ... green.html Enjoy!

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