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Eva Greenの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 15ページ):

Eva Green success!! :D - 2013年2月7日
<img src= Eva is one of my favourite actress.I sent to the UK address on the database about 2012.Nov. I sent LOR, SASE and 3 photoes. I received all pictures back signed in my SASE from France on 2013.Feb.6th.Im sooooo happy.It make my day :razz:<!-- s:razz: -->  <!-- s:razz: --><img src=

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Eva Green Success - 2013年1月26日
i sent this one in Sept 2012 and received back today 26 jan 2013. - thanks

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Wonderful Eva Green success!! :) - 2013年1月17日
Hello together! 8)<!-- s8) --> 

After I have received a RTS from the French address of Ms Green, I tried on July 21st, 2012 the UK address on the database. So I sent her a fan letter, a SASE and three beautiful photographs. 

And on January 17th, 2013 I received all pictures back signed and personalized in my SASE.  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= <img src= By the way, I am a huge admirer of Eva Green and her outstanding career so I am very very happy with this success!! <img src= <img src= <img src= Here are the scans of the photos and the envelope: - - - - Thank you so very much, dear Ms Green! <img src= <img src= <img src=

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Eva Green RTS - 2012年8月29日
Hi! In June I sent letter to Eva Green on her french address..and yesterday I got RTS (return to sender). <img src= I read other topics and saw that other people get rts from this address, too. pitty.. I found her UK address, and I hope to get answer, because she is so great actress and I want her autograph.. <img src= Sent: 16.6.12. letter, SASE and 2 photos Received: 28.8.12. got my envelope back, unopened.. Address used: Eva Green c/o Artmedia 20 Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France - <img src=

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Eva Green RTS - 2012年8月15日
I wrote 4 weeks ago on France address: Eva Green c/o Artmédia, 20 Avenue Rapp, Paris 75007, France <img src= -

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