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Eva Greenの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 15ページ):

Eva Green Success! - 2014年9月10日
Sent: LOR, SAE, 1 card!! Rec.: 02.09.2014 - 1 card!! Used this address: Eva Green Adéquat 108, rue Réaumur 75002 Paris France -

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Eva Green Success!!! - 2014年9月6日
Sent: 20.05.14 (with LOR, IRC, photo) Received: 04.09.14 via Adéquat 108, rue Réaumur 75002 Paris France Glad to receive my favorite Bond girls autograph (my favorite scene) <img src= She is just so mysteriously beautiful in "Casino Royale" or "Dark Shadows". Im grateful that she would sign via agency and use IRC. Very kind of her!!! --> Picture - --> Envelope -

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Eva Green Success!! - 2014年9月4日
I sent a LOR and a SAE and two photos to the address in the database: Eva Green Adéquat 108, rue Réaumur 75002 Paris France - - -

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Eva Green success - 2014年9月1日
At the end of July I sent 3 pics, SAE, LOR and IRC to Eva. Address used: Eva Green Adéquat 108, rue Réaumur 75002 Paris France Today I received my photos back signed & personalised. :-) One of the pictures: -

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Eva Green success! - 2014年9月1日
I wrote to Eva on the 27th June 2014, enclosing a LOR, photo and SAE with French stamps and on the 29th Auguest 2014, I received my photo back signed and personalised...thanks Eva! Address used as per db: Eva Green Adéquat 108, rue Réaumur 75002 Paris France - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Actress Terry Moore, Success
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Tommy Chong Success!!!



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