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Eva Greenの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 15ページ):

Eva Green Success!!! - 2016年10月21日
On 08/15/2016 I sent a letter, a picture, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: Eva Green Adéquat 21, rue d'Uzès 75002 Paris France On 10/20/2016 I received my picture back signed!!!

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Eva Green Success - 2016年9月18日
Sent: March 5 2016 Received: September 17 2016 I sent her a letter, self-addressed envelope and a photo. More than six months later, she replied with my photo signed with dedication. Address: Eva Green Adéquat 21, rue d'Uzès 75002 Paris France Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/c08781f ... jr796.html

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Eva Green Success - 2016年7月20日
I've sent a letter of request to Eva Green on may 2016, I´ve received an autograph on July 20 2016, I used the address Eva Green Adéquat 21, rue d'Uzès 75002 Paris France http://surfmypictures.com/image/1d602c6 ... 203iw.html

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Eva Green success - 2016年7月15日
Sent a letter, 2 photos, a Blu-ray cover, a SAE & 2 IRC's on June 3rd to: Eva Green Adéquat 21, rue d'Uzès 75002 Paris France Received both photos & the blu-ray cover all personalized on July 13th.

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Eva Green success - 2016年5月22日
I sent Eva Green a LOR, SAE and 6x4 picture to the address on the database ( Eva Green, Adéquat, 21, rue d'Uzès, 75002 Paris, France) on the 19th of April 2016. I received my picture signed and personalised on the 21st of May 2016. It took just over a month.

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