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George H. W. Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 5ページ):

George H. W. Bush - 2018年7月18日
Sent to this address and got my picture with a letter stating that he no longer signs. George H. W. Bush Office of the Honorable George Bush 10000 Memorial Dr. Suite 900 Houston, TX 77024-3412 USA

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President George H. W. Bush success - 2018年6月18日
Sent LOR to Office of President George H.W. Bush, PO Box 79798, Houston, TX 77279. Reply received 6/18/18 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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President Bush 41 (George H. W. Bush) - 2018年2月10日
Letter and request of signature with no photo and self-addressed stamped envelope was sent on Monday January 8th of 2018 to the following address: Office of the Honorable George H. Bush 10000 Memorial Drive Suite 900 Houston, TX 77024-3412 Picture with smudged calligraphy that was obviously done by a secretary was sent back from Houston and received on Friday February 9th 2018. The picture is an old Kodak picture with his signature that is obviously that of a 93 year old with Parkinson’s disease. Compared to his in-office signature, the G and the Bush are pretty close to how they were. One living President signature attained! http://surfmypictures.com/image/c9d3ac5 ... xerji.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/c9d3ac5 ... xawvy.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/c9d3ac5 ... kqxtb.html

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George H. W. Bush - 2018年2月4日
Sent a LOR on 9/18/ 2017 to George Bush Sr. to the data base address. I received a dedicated 8” x 10” photo signed by Mr. Bush Ms. Barbara Bush on 12/4/ 2017. Thank you Mr. and Ms. Bush. Address used- George H. W. Bush Office of the Honorable George Bush 10000 Memorial Dr. Suite 900 Houston, TX 77024-3412 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/91b5956 ... qy0wf.html

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George H. W. Bush - Success - 2016年8月10日
George H. W. Bush Office of the Honorable George Bush 10000 Memorial Drive Suite 900 Houston, TX 77024-3412 USA Received a photo and letter! http://surfmypictures.com/image/e7b37b9 ... ohbo0.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/e7b37b9 ... 48ffz.html

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