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George W. Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 18ページ):

GEORGE W. BUSH SUCCES SENT: JULY 31, 2024 RECEIVED: SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 OFFICE OF GEORGE W. BUSH P.O BOX 259000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75225-9000 http://surfmypictures.com/image/e7474e923b884844/6t8w6.html

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George W. Bush Preprint - 2023年2月22日
I sent him a letter around January and today got a preprint with my index card and First Day of Issue unsigned. George W. Bush Office of George W. Bush P.O. Box 259000 Dallas, TX 75225-9000 USA

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George Bush success (George W. Bush) - 2022年7月22日
http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/ldigr.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/nmiu3.html I'm kinda new to all this, looks like autopen to me

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President Bush Response (George W. Bush) - 2021年8月19日
Back in May I graduated from high school and decided to send leftover grad invites to celebs. I sent one to Former President Bush and honestly wasn't expecting a response back, especially one so personal and quick. I was so excited to see the envelope in my mailbox and was very eager to see what I would receive. The letter he sent was not some generic "congrats!". It was clear that some thought had gone into the letter as my school name is listed and it specifically addresses graduation during a pandemic. I shall include a picture of the envelope and letter but I will cover any personal info. The address that worked for me was P.O. Box 259000 Dallas, Texas 75225-9000. P.S. He sent it first class and paid $1.20 just for postage. http://surfmypictures.com/photo/0547ebb0729c9586/18zwb/PXL_20210819_040511457.MP.jpg http://surfmypictures.com/photo/0547ebb0729c9586/g7fec/PXL_20210819_040524680.MP.jpg http://surfmypictures.com/photo/0547ebb0729c9586/m4x4q/PXL_20210819_040803217.NIGHT.jpg

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George W. Bush SUCCESS - 2021年8月11日
On July 6th, 2021 I sent an email with an autograph request to George W. Bush's office, on August 10th, 2021 I received a letter with a signed picture (autopen). E-mail address: Info at ogwb.org http://surfmypictures.com/image/abe4c183eb6eb2cf/o22h3.html

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