George W. Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 18ページ):
George W. Bush SUCCESS - 2013年8月28日 Sent out for this on 8/13/2013 and got it on 8/24/2013 using an email. I no longer have this email but previous posts about their success with him has the email.
Check out the picture here: at N02/9608459865/
Heres the envelope.
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George W. Bush Success - 2013年8月25日 I sent an email to George W Bush at info at on 8/18/13, and received the following signed picture in the mail on 8/24/13.
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George W. Bush success - 2013年8月16日 I sent an email to The Offfice of George W Bush and received 2 bookplates in the mail today. Sent email to the office on August 4th, received correspondence on August 8th and received on August 15. These signatures are different so they look legit. Having trouble posting pics, send me a message with your email and I'll send you a pic. |
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George W. Bush Success - 2013年8月7日 Hey
Today i got a Autographed Photograph from George W. Bush
I sent the Autograph request to info at
and This is the from address which was in the back of envelope which i have received:
P.O. Box 259000
Dallas, Texas 75225-9000
Here are the photos of Envelope and Autograph
I am so happy |   |
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George W. Bush Success - 2013年7月26日 I Dont Have A Pic Because My Scanner Won't Work. It Is The Sames As Everyone Elses Customized 8x10 To Me And Signed |
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