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George W. Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 18ページ):

George W. Bush pp email success - 2015年1月28日
I sent to information at ogwb.org on the 10th December and got it back today. I know it is a pp Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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George W. Bush Email Success - 2015年1月22日
Hey yall! Its been a while <img src= Received a nice success yesterday. Sent an email to George W. Bushs official website, and within two weeks, I received a signed autograph. Such an awesome piece to have! And Im really happy because its a REAL autograph. The sharpie marks are a but different than the others Ive seen! Maybe it helped that I live 15 minutes away from his house hahahaha. Return address: George W. Bush P.O. Box 259000 Dallas, Texas 75225-9000 Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/bb67113 ... fjq1c.html Envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/bb67113 ... q2rzj.html Reverse of envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/bb67113 ... j50ex.html

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Ex Präsident George W. Bush - 2014年12月13日
Earlier this year I have sent my 2.te autograph request of George W. Bush. A letter with return receipt International responce. 7 months later, I got an answer to [germany<!-- s[germany --> . Like the first autograph was also a new pressure autograph only a print with a personal dedication . <!-- s<img src= --><img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> Also, a thank-you note for the lay was signed by the Secretary. <img src= <img src= Adress: <img src= <img src= George W. Bush Office of George W. Bush P.O Box 259000 Dallas,TX 75225-9000 USA - - - Pictures on my Facebooksite: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Autogram ... 7897699576

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George W. Bush - E-Mail Success - 2014年8月27日
Sent an e-mail to address in database and received autopen photo in the mail 14 days later. Even though its an autopen it still looks nice hanging on my wall, now every time my wife argues with me I just point to it and ask "Do you have a personalized photo of The President....I didnt think so, So I must be right". -

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Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush success - 2014年8月25日
My daughter Sent picture and SASE to both president Bushs on 8-10-14. Both returned 8-24-14. Pretty sure autopen signatures sent our pictures back unsigned and sent 8x10 with there signatures. George W. sent back personalized to my daughter autopen but better than nothing. You can see pictures of autographs on my twitter account. at cavewv - address used: Office of George W. Bush p.o. Box 259000 Dallas, TX 75225-9000 Office of the Honorable George Bush 10000 memorial drive suite 900 Houston, TX 77024-3412[[[ -

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