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Jennifer Lawrenceの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 30ページ):

Jennifer Lawrence Success! - 2018年8月22日
Jennifer Lawrence, American actress ("Silver Linings Playbook," "The Hunger Games" the "X-Men" series) I sent a letter and photo to Ms. Lawrence on June 23, 2018, and I received my photo back, signed, on August 20, 2018 (just five days after her birthday!). This is my 3rd success from a fellow Kentuckian, 30th SNL host, 32nd Oscar winner, and 4th from the Hunger Games! Address Used: Jennifer Lawrence Foundation 4350 Brownsboro Road Suite 110 Louisville, KY 40207-1681

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Jennifer Lawrence Success (1) 5x7 Photo - 2018年8月21日
Sent Jennifer Lawrence Letter/SASE & (1) 5 x 7 Photo on 25 June 2018. Received today 21 August 2018, signed. Address used: Jennifer Lawrence Foundation 4350 Brownsboro Road Suite 110 Louisville, KY 40207-1681 http://surfmypictures.com/image/7d0c33a ... 2vixk.html

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Jennifer Lawrence Success (5) 8x10 Photos - 2018年8月20日
Sent Jennifer Lawrence Letter/SASE & (5) 8 x 10 Photos on 19 June 2018. Received today 20 August 2018, All 5 photos signed. Looks like she signed with the same Sharpie she used to sign my Mark McGuire baseball. Address used: Jennifer Lawrence Foundation 4350 Brownsboro Road Suite 110 Louisville, KY 40207-1681 http://surfmypictures.com/image/2158c97 ... wgwu4.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/2158c97 ... vorbw.html

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Jennifer Lawrence SUCCESS!!!!! - 2018年8月20日
Sent a SASE on 7/14/2018 Received all my pictures signed plus one on 7/20/2018 SASE was sent to address in the database: Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer Lawrence Foundation 4350 Brownsboro Road Suite 110 Louisville, KY 40207-1681 USA Image: https://imgur.com/CdcGUN9 ALL autographs received today: https://imgur.com/AOE7kxu

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Jennifer Lawrence Success Signed Baseball - 2018年7月24日
Sent a Cardinals Baseball to JLaw on 19 June 2018. Received signed Baseball yesterday 23 July 2018. Address used: Jennifer Lawrence Foundation 4350 Brownsboro Road Suite 110 Louisville, KY 40207

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