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Jennifer Lawrenceの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 30ページ):

Jennifer Lawrence...Success - 2018年6月22日
Sent: Nov 1, 2017 Received: June 20, 2018 Sent to: p.o. box 6509 Louisville ky 40206 They sent me the picture...The autograph looks authentic to me... PICTURE... Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Jennifer Lawrence Success - 2018年6月20日
Sent: 03.15.18 Rec'd: 06.19.18 Sent SASE, LoR, (3) three 8x10's to: Jennifer Lawrence c/o Jennifer Lawrence Foundation 4350 Brownsboro Road Suite 110 Louisville, KY 40207-1681 USA Only received one (1) photo back and the auto is horrible, faint, scratch, smudged - almost not even worth receiving back Nice to have a success but really disappointed in the quality of the auto And one of the stamps fell off in transit LOL - surprised it made it!

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Jennifer Lawrence Success - 2018年6月12日
Jennifer Lawrence Success Sent: March 23, 2018 LOR, SASE and 2 photos Received back: June 11, 2018 My 2 photos signed Address I used: Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer Lawrence Foundation 4350 Brownsboro Road Suite 110 Louisville, KY 40207 USA

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Jennifer Lawrence RTS - 2018年5月24日
Jennifer Lawrence RTS Sent: March 23, 2018 Received back: May 24, 2018 Address I used: Jennifer Lawrence P.O. Box 6509 Louisville, KY 40206 USA

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Jennifer Lawrence: ID Public Relations => RTS - 2018年5月11日
Hi, today I received my letter to Jennifer Lawrence back. => RTS The address I used was: Jennifer Lawrence ID Public Relations 7060 Hollywood Blvd. 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA I sent the letter on March 23, 2018.

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