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Jennifer Lawrenceの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 30ページ):

J. Law Success!! (Jennifer Lawrence) - 2017年10月22日
Hello all, A while back I had emailed a Mr. Plager concerning a possible J.Law autograph because of my wife that was battling brain cancer. He assured me that he would talk to her and that one would come in the mail about 3 weeks later this arrived. I wish I would have saved the emails. It does not look secretarial at all. looks legit? https://imgur.com/gallery/ikjl3

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Jennifer Lawrence success - 2017年2月4日
Sent early May 2016 (sent my photo back with her signature it makes me really happy I used her Louisville address : Jennifer Lawrence P.O. Box 6509 Louisville, KY 40206 USA Love it

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Jennifer Lawrence Success - 2016年10月20日
Jennifer Lawrence sent nearly a year ago with pictures and SASE and multiple Attempts. Finally I got this in the mail box. Seen varied comments From people here that she doesn't sign and her secy does. If her secy signs was wondering why would she take more Than a year to do so ??? Here are the pictures. Comments on authenticity most Welcome !! http://surfmypictures.com/image/3c59ce4 ... u38tq.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/3c59ce4 ... bfsjo.html

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Jennifer Lawrence Success (My first success, kind of) - 2016年10月5日
I sent two photos and a letter to her on May, 27 2016 She is the first of the twenty I sent out that day to hear back from. (Unfortunately from what I've heard it seems as though she doesn't actually sign and that they're all secretarial signatures). Either way they're both still going on my wall <img src= I received both photos signed on Oct, 3 2016 Sent to: P.O. Box 6509 Louisville, KY 40206 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Jennifer Lawrence Success x2 - 2016年1月19日
Hi everyone, I send a letter, SASE, a IRC and 4 photos to Jennifer Lawrence August 13 2015 and I got it back (2 photos signed) october 07 2015. I'm sorry I haven't scan. Adress used : Jennifer Lawrence P.O. Box 6509 Louisville, KY 40206 USA

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