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Joan Riversの直筆サイン入り写真 (19 / 20ページ):

Joan Rivers email/phone call success - 2011年8月27日
First auto late 1990s New: email 8/9/11 Rec: 8/25/11 Used email from DB I was in a really bad motorcycle accident in the 1990s and was laid up for some time. I used to watch the Joan Rivers show and one day she was calling Donald Trump and told the sec to have him call her and gave out her number. I called it and asked for an auto. She was very kind and sent me a picture. Now after all these years I have been lurking here and saw the success now with emails, so I sent her one and explained about the first one I had recieved. I always ask for the autos for my 2 kids. I do this so that they will have something later to hold onto and memories of us collecting. well we recieved 3 nice pictures and an auto for me as well. My first auto from the 1990s - New autos - - - Envelope -

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JOan Rivers - 2011年8月25日
Rivers, Joan Success (53 Days) 2011/07/03 2011/08/25 150 E. 58th Street New York, NY 10155 USA >> 3/3 Photos [youtube0lxdHRJWp9k[/youtube

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16 Day Joan Rivers email success!! - 2011年8月25日
On August 9, 2011, I sent an email through Joans website with my letter and request. Today, Aug 25, 2011, I received this gorgeous 8 x 10 personalized color photo. She even paid for postage! I have long been a fan of Joans. This is a great success for me! I will note that the return address on the envelope DOES NOT match the one in the database. The address is now: Joan Rivers Worldwide Enterprises PO Box 743 Middletown Station New York NY 10018 Heres the picture! : http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127 ... Rivers.jpg

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Joan Rivers Email Success - 2011年8月11日
Sorry for the late posts i have only just got round to taking pictures. Sent: June 18th Received: July 26th Address used Sent Email http://www.joan.co/ Check Out the pictures on my site here. Picture: 1 (I sent her this photo) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =133950432

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Joan Rivers E-mail Success! - 2011年6月1日
Date Sent- 4/19/11 Date Received- 6/1/11 Address- Sent her a message on her website http://www.joan.co Very glad to get this! Despite all the plastic surgeries and what not I really like Joan! I enjoy watching her old appearances on "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson", shes a really funny lady! I also love the "Roast" Comedy Central did for her <img src= She sent me a signed 8x10 with an inscription "To Ryan, Thank You For Nice Note -Good Luck-" Thank you so much Ms. Rivers! Heres the envelope- - And the photo- -

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