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Joan Riversの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 20ページ):

Joan Rivers SUCCESS!!! - 2012年6月21日
Sent to: E-mail via "Customer Service Inquiries" link at the bottom of http://www.joan.co website Date Sent: May 17, 2012 Received: June 20, 2012 PHOTO: -

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Joan Rivers Success :) - 2012年6月18日
Heey, My friend is a really big fan of Joan Rivers so i surprised her with her autograph, i sent an email via Joan Rivers website 1 month ago requesting an autograph for my friend and also one for me, i got one for my friend personalised and there was another photo inside but my name was just on it, i really like the new photos shes sending out but the one she had sent me was one of her old ones, but i dont mind once i got one for my friend <img src= Pic ~ - Pic ~ - Envelope ~ -

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Joan Rivers Success - 2012年6月18日
I sent a letter and photo of her and I together on 4-26-12 I recieved my photo signed on 6-16-12 C/o joan rivers worldwide po box 1150 fdr station new york ny 10150

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Joan Rivers - 2012年6月18日
sent: e-mail to her website http://www.joan.co 14.may.2012. rec: personalized photo 18.jun.2012. <img src= - -

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Joan Rivers Success! - 2012年6月17日
I wrote to her website on May 10th and received her autograph in the mail June 16th! http://www.joan.co/ Autograph - Envelope - Thanks!

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