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Joan Riversの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 20ページ):

Joan Rivers TTM Success - 2012年8月19日
<img src= Sent 2 cards, LOR & SASE to: Joan Rivers Joan Rivers Worldwide Enterprises PO Box 1150 FDR Station New York, NY 10150 USA on 6/26/12 (53 days) Received both cards signed on 8/18/12 - - - DO NOT SEND TO: Joan Rivers Joan Rivers Worldwide 150 E 58th Street Suite 2400 New York, NY 10155-2402 USA I GOT A RTS ON 6/25 http://www.fanmail.biz/mboard/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=255893

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Joan Rivers Email Success - 2012年8月17日
hi everyone, i hope everyone is doing well? in the beggining of July i wrote an email to legandary comic & fashion critic Joan Rivers. i used the email that is on this database. today i had received a personalized Photo for her. i am so happy i cant wait to see who i get next. and this came kind of quick seeing how long others take by Snailmail. and now i have yet another Hollywood Legend in my collectionc. thank you fanmail <img src= Best Wishes, Sean Sjazz here are the pics enjoy: - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-08-16 en - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-08-16velope:

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Joan Rivers Fail !!! - 2012年8月8日
Joan Rivers Joan Rivers Worldwide 150 E 58th Street Suite 2400 New York, NY 10155-2402 USA I sent a pic to that address and it came back 2 weeks later with a unknown and un-forwardable.

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Joan Rivers Success! - 2012年7月14日
I sent an email out to Joan Rivers and received a signed and personalized picture in the mail yesterday! I'm very excited Sent: June 23, 2012 Received: July 13, 2012

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Joan Rivers Success! - 2012年7月14日
I sent an email to customerservice at joanrivers.com on 6/18/12 and received this fab photo in the mail today 7/13/12. PHOTO - ENVELOPE -

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