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Joan Riversの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 20ページ):

Joan Rivers email success - 2013年5月8日
i sent an email to joan rivers via her website about 1 month ago and got a signed picture on the 7th may 13. im having trouble reading the last few words at the bottom and any help would be great ,thanks -

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Joan Rivers Succes - 2013年4月26日
Sended on 02/27/13 a email To: http://www.joan.co/ Recieved on 04/17/13 a personlized signed picture Photo (when I find the envelope I will post a photo): -

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SPACEBALLS - Joan Rivers 'Dot Matrix' - Personalized Success - 2013年3月11日
- ###://gifsoup.com:GIFSoup Sent an email/LOR to Joan Rivers (via her website) on 3/4/13, and received a photo with the Spaceballs quote "Hey You Forgot To Get Married" signed by Dot Matrix/Joan Rivers on 3/11/13. - -

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Joan Rivers Success - 2013年3月1日
Sent December 2013 | Received March 1st 2013 http://www.joan.co/ Return Address: - Picture + Envelope -

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Joan Rivers Personalised Success!!! - 2013年2月27日
My second success, sent an email through Joans website http://www.joan.co/ and have received a personalised autograph with a really nice message it says "To Stuart thanks for youre sweet note, good luck Joan Rivers (ps I love English men)" really pleased -

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