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Karen Gillanの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):

Karen Gillan Amazing Success - 2016年1月18日
Sent:26.10.2013 Received:18.1.2016 i sent 3 pictures and a letter with my SASE & IRC...... received 3 signed and personalized pictures in my SASE 2 years wait but i am so happy now Adress used: Karen Gillan Troika 10A Christina Street London, EC2A 4PA United Kingdom

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Karen Gillan Success - 2015年12月14日
I sent an 8 x 10 photo to Karen around 5 months ago to the Troika address in the database. I didn't receive the photo back but I was sent a postcard signed and dedicated by Karen.

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Karen Gillan Sucess! - 2015年6月27日
Sent: May 16, 2015 Received: June 10, 2015 No return address. https://writinganyone.wordpress.com/201 ... en-gillan/ There's the link to my picture. I'm pretty sure it's authentic, but any imput?

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Karen Gillan RTS :( - 2014年8月12日
Well...my first Dr. Who attempt was a bust. Apparently I didn't add proper postage. I really want to resend with the proper amount but am curious as to if it is a valid address. Thanks

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Karen Gillan Success! - 2014年1月16日
Sent: LOR, SASE, Photo on November 9th, 2011 Received: Photo signed on January 11th, 2014 Used the address on database. Karen Gillan Troika 10A Christina Street London, EC2A 4PA UK Really excited about this one because I wasnt expecting it back, and she is my favorite actress! Does anyone have opinions on if it is authentic? Always curious what others think! -

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