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Karen Gillanの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 5ページ):

Karen Gillan - Dr. Who - success - 2014年1月3日
Karen Gillan c/o Independent Talent Group Address Outdated England 14.07.2011 - 03.01.2014 2 photos personalized and signed Photos: https://www.facebook.com/RaabigrammAutogramme Please <img src= my facebook page <img src=

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Karen Gillan ( Amy pond in dr who) - 2013年9月19日
i cant remember when i sent it exactly.. must be end 2011... begin 2012........ it was a while before she changed to another agent Troyka.... So i used indepence in London..When i saw she changed agent, i thought id never hear anything anymore. guess they passed it on to the new agent somehow..... i also think its on the road for a long long time now. Mail is slow here in holland... the stamp somehow sais 16.8.20....... cant see the year (i have gotten mail that was stamped a year 1,5 ago once......it took that long, so nothing suprises me really). i send her a handwritten letter and a selfmade card and a SASE. (with english stamps). its personalized and i think its 100% authentic....Share thoughts please I am so happy with this one...I LOVE AMY POND -

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Karen Gillan success - 2013年8月30日
Sent: 23 Feb 2012 - letter, 5x7, 5.25x7.25 SAE with postage, all in 5.5x8.5 envelope Received: 30 Aug 2013 - signed and personalized the 5x7 that was sent (and sent back the postage!) Address Used: Karen Gillan Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK [DO NOT USE. Address is no longer valid! <img src= <img src= <img src= - -

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Karen Gillan RTS - 2012年6月17日
I wrote to Karen at Independent talent Group and got a RTS http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/42/1150256.jpg/ Strange since other people have had successes lately

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Karen Gillan Succes! - 2011年8月6日
sent a request on april 9th 2011 recieved august 4th. she sent back a nyc doctor who picture syng love karen gillan xx. the first to be returned from the hole batch i sent out to many celebreties. address i used was: Karen Gillan Independent Talent Group Ltd Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK

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