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Karen Gillanの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

Karen Gillan Success!!! - 2011年8月5日
Sent: LOR on March 23, 2011 Received: 1 Photo on August 5, 2011 Im surprised I got this back, as I only sent a letter. Now, Im just waiting to get Arthur Darvill and Matt Smith <img src= -

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Karen Gillan Success!! - 2011年8月5日
I’m so excited to have gotten this success in the mail today. I sent A LOR, 3 IRCs, SAE, and 2 photos to Karen Gillan. I received my photos signed and my SAE used. Sent: May 19, 2011 Received: August 5, 2011 Address Used: Karen Gillan Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK - - - -

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I sent a letter to Doctor Who actresses Karen Gillan using the address in the database and today i got back a hand signed personalised autograph from her. Karen Gillan Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK Took about 11 weeks ENVELOPE AND PHOTO - PHOTO ON ITS OWN -

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Karen Gillan ( Success ) - 2011年7月17日
Sent - 9/5/11 I sent letter Picture and SASE Received - 16/7/11 My picture signed used my SASE Address i used was - Independent Talent Group Ltd Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London, W1D 1BS UK Picture - - Sorry no envelope

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Karen Gillan - 2011年7月16日
I got two of my pictures back today, signed from the lovely Karen Gillan. She returned the third unsigned, so two must be her limit. Im just happy to get one back! I think it was via the Who address in the database. Could have been her agent, it was months ago. Thanks fanmail.biz. - - Visit my blog for more information.

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