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Katy Perryの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 6ページ):

Katy Perry Success :D - 2013年10月4日
Heey <img src= sorry i havent been able to post any successs in a while due to exams and stuff <img src= " title="Rolling Eyes" /> received Katy Perry <img src= on September 27th 2013 Date i sent was October 25th 2012 just sent LOR So happy she is one of my most wanted!! <img src= Address used, Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 8332 Melrose Avenue Top Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA Photo - - Envelope - -

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Katy Perry Success - 2013年10月1日
Sent sae, lor, + U.S dollars for return postage, sent June 14/2013 received Sep 30/2013, used address in database. Received one of her pre-signed pictures, great success. Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 8332 Melrose Avenue Top Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA - -

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Katy Perry Success - 2013年9月30日
Hello, I sent to: Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 8332 Melrose Avenue Top Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA on May 2011 <img src= " title="Check this out" /> Recieved on 09/30/2013: a signed photo in her SAE <img src= Love this <img src= -

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Katy Perry success! - 2013年9月28日
Sent to: Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 8332 Melrose Avenue Top Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA ~on 6-12-13 Received on 9-23-13 I sent a letter & SASE I received a very nice signed photo in my SASE! <img src= -

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Katy Perry Success! - 2013年9月28日
On June 5th 2013 I sent Katy a LOR and a SASE. I received a signed picture in my SASE on September 24, 2013. I am very happy about this success because I think I received an authentic that she pre-signed. Here are the pictures Picture: - Envelope: -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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