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Katy Perryの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 6ページ):

Katy Perry Success - 2013年9月28日
Sent on 06/06/2013: LOR & SAE To: Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 8332 Melrose Avenue Top Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA Recieved on 09/28/2013: a signed photo in my SAE Photo: -

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Katy Perry Success! - 2013年7月19日
I wrote to Katy Perry around October time I sent a SASE, LOR and my own photo. February 15th (I know its late only just started posting successes) I received a PP! I am happy with it as it is my first success and a PP is better then nothing <img src= (Found out its a authentic thank-you to everyone who has told me about it being pre-signed) Photo: http://instagram.com/p/k2XEbTSZY-/ Fan Mail Address: Katy Perry Viewpoint, Inc. 8820 Wilshire Blvd Suite 220 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2618 USA

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Katy Perry success! - 2013年6月9日
So last week I got Katy Perrys autograph in mail, I was really surprised because I requsted it 2 years ago. address I used: Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 8332 Melrose Avenue Top Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA What did I send: -LOR, -IRC, -SAE, sent: 08/16/2011 recieved: 06/06/2013 -

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Katy Perry Success!! - 2013年6月6日
Sent: 2-12- 2013 Rec: 6-5-2013 Picture: http://rokoda.blog.fc2.com -

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Katy Perry - success - 2013年6月4日
I mailed out my own photo back in February, didnt get my photo back but got this yesterday. Looks like the pre-signed photo everyone else has been getting. Im really happy I got it, I never expected to get a response back! Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 947 North la Cienega Blvd. Suite G Los Angeles, CA 90069 -

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