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Katy Perryの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

Katy Perry Success - 2013年2月8日
Thought I thought I was about 2 years too late but I wrote to her in early December 2012 and today got a signed 8x10 from her. Yay!! PHOTO: - Used the address in the database, I think.

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Katy Perry Success - 2013年1月21日
Hello, I like a lot of people wrote Katy a very long time ago. This was when people first started getting back Pre-Signed 8x10s. So I wrote her, and asked for an autograph. I sent an SASE and LOR on April 20th 2010. I got this back over the weekend. Really nice signature. Its funny the envelope I used didnt get stamped or marked through, this is the same envelope I had got Amanda Seyfried in because it hasnt got stamped from when i used it for her. Its my lucky envelope. Going to us it again soon. Getting a lot of miles out of those 2 forever stamps. I did not take a picture of envelope. Forgot to, will this evening at home. - Address Used: Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 947 North la Cienega Blvd. Suite G Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA

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Katy Perry SUCCESS! Seven attempts & finally got my success. - 2012年10月18日
Hello everyone, I finally received an autograph from Ms. Katy Perry. I am very pleased with this success as I have sent her numerous times and never heard anything back until this last Monday. I sent (each time) a LOR, pictures, and a SASE). The question is, I dont know which letter this response is from since her secretary did not use my SASE nor sent my picks back. I received what appears to be an authentic pre-signed photo from her "Part of Me" promo picture tour. Heres the address I used: Katy Perry Direct Management Group, Inc. 947 North la Cienega Blvd. Suite G Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA Heres a scan of the autograph: - And heres a scan of the envelope: - Ive sent her on the following dates: 1/28/10, 7/10/10, 9/24/12 (TTM) and four times Via-Concert (all through the "Teenage Dream" tour)= 7 Times I have sent Ms. Katy and finally received my response. Honestly, I think its a response from my TTM request from 9/24/12 because it was most recent. Shes been sending out pre-signed photos lately and my letter may have been responded to because it was maybe on top? Im not sure but I am very grateful to have finally received her autograph after numerous fails. I do believe it is authentic (since others who have received the same picture; the signature is slightly different on each photo) but Id like to hear feedback/opinions from others so feel free. Thank you fanmail.biz! <img src= Couldnt do it without you! And thank you Ms. Perry! <img src= <img src= I wish luck to all the other fans who are still waiting for a response. May it come ASAP! Sincerely gghi18 (Mark) <img src=

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Katy Perry Success!!!! - 2012年10月16日
OMG this was the best success this year! So I sent her 2 4 x 6 photos a while back.....like 2 years ago LOL and she never responded. Today when I got home my mom gave me this envelope and it was her signed autograph in it <img src= !!! Address used: Not sure! Its been 2 years! But you can use the one on their envelope <img src= ! Envelope: - Autograph: - Any comments welcome!

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Katy Perry Success!! (2 year wait) - 2012年10月16日
Was totally shocked to receive this in the mail this morning! It mustve been about 2 years ago I sent a LOR and SASE to Katy via the address in the database and today I received a signed 8x10 photo! I also sent to her via a concert in Scotland last year so I dont know what request it was but I presume it was the first request! Address Used: Direct Management Group, Inc., 947 North la Cienega Blvd., Suite G, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA - -

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