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Keegan Allenの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 7ページ):

Keegan Allen Success! - 2014年10月23日
Sent: LOR, SASE, Picture Received: Signed picture Date Sent: Early August 2014 Date Received: October 23, 2014 Address used: Keegan Allen Creative Talent Group 1900 Avenue Of The Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA (Return address was from the Pretty Little Liars set) -

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Keegan Allen Success! - 2014年10月23日
I was starting to think I wasnt going to get this back...but Im so happy I did! Sent: Letter, Picture, SASE on August 2013 Received: My picture signed, an additional picture signed in my SASE on October 22, 2014 Address I used: Keegan Allen Creative Talent Group 1900 Avenue Of The Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA -

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Keegan Allen - 2014年10月22日
I sent a letter and one picture to Keegan Allan in november 2013 and today I got a postcard back. Kind of sad he didnt at least return the one I sent.. Sent: Nov. 2013 Received: 10/22/2014, signed postcard VV: Pretty Little liars set -

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Keegan Allen success :) - 2014年10月20日
Sent a request (picture, LOR, SASE) to Keegan Allen. I sent to Creative Talent Agency, but it came back from the Pretty Little Liars Studio address: Warner Brothers Studios 4000 Warner Blvd Building 36 Room 124 Burbank, CA 91522 USA Received my picture back signed & personalized and he included another personalized picture from his own Sent: 12.08.14 Received: 20.10.14 Here you can see the pics: Uploaded with Uploaded with Envelope: Uploaded with ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please my facebook page

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Keegan Allen Success - 2013年8月1日
I sent a LOR and SASE to Keegan Allen (Toby on PLL) on 04/01/13. On 05/20/13, I received my photo back signed and personalized. I'm about 99% sure it's authentic but comments are welcome. I don't have a picture of the envelope because it was awhile ago. Address used: Keegan Allen Creative Talent Group 1900 Avenue Of The Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Photo:

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