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Keegan Allenの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 7ページ):

Keegan Allen Success!! - 2013年5月20日
I sent a LOR, SASE, and 2 photos some time in Feb. I think and I got them back today. took about three months. e put cardboard in my SASE too keep the photos from bending. I had him sign a photo for me and one for my girlfriend. Used address in database: Keegan Allen Creative Talent Group 1900 Avenue Of The Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA Photo 1: - Photo 2: - Envelope: -

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Keegan Allen Pretty Little Liars Success!! - 2013年5月20日
Sent: 12-27-13 Received: Today 5-20-13 I sent only a LOR to Keegan Allen Creative Talent Group 1900 Avenue Of The Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA it came back Keegan Allen "Pretty Little Liars" Warner Brothers Studios 4000 Warner Blvd Building 36 Room 124 Burbank, CA 91522 USA Autograph {personilized!!} - envelope: -

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Keegan Allen Success! - 2013年5月20日
I love the show Pretty Little Liars, and I sent Keegan Allen fan mail on February 27, 2013. Today I got back an awesome personalized photo! I sent a SASE to: Keegan Allen Creative Talent Group 1900 Avenue Of The Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA - The return address was: Warner Brothers 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505 USA

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Keegan Allen SUCCESS (Pretty Little Liars) - 2013年2月1日
This is my second Keegan Allen success because i really wanted to have his PLL picture that hes sending out i love him so much he is such a sweetheart and so kind to his Fans He wrote everything on the envelope He wrote down the PLL adress as a return adress Keegan Allen Sent: 03.12.2012, LOR, stamps (no envelope but my own stamps) RECIEVED: 01.02.2013 his picture in his envelope + he added postage - -

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Keegan Allen Success - 2013年2月1日
Hiya <img src= Sent: 2 photos, LOR, SASE on 28th November 2012 Keegan Allen Creative Talent Group 1900 Avenue Of The Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA Received: 2 photos personalized & signed back in my SASE on 1st February 2013 Photos: - with envelope - Thanks Keegan & fanmail <img src=

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