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Keegan Allenの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Keegan Allen (Pretty Little Liars) 8 month wait! - 2012年4月28日
Sent: 8/18 [LOR, 1 picture, SASE Received: 4/28 [My picture, his picture, + blue cardboard in my SASE Took: 8 months Pictures: - Envelope: http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/7228/keeganenv.jpg Address Used: Keegan Allen 1900 Ave. Of the Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA, 90067 Return Address on envelope: Pretty Little Liars 4000 Warner Blvd Building 36, Room 124 Burbank, CA 91522 After 8 months, i got Keegan back! Im very happy with this success. He signed my picture "Stay True - Toby" which i thought was cute. I now have 3 autographs from the Pretty Little Liars cast! Working on getting more since its my favorite show.

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Keegan Allen AMAZING Pretty Little Liars success - 2012年3月9日
I've been trying to get the autographs off Pretty Little Liars for a while as it is my favourite TV show and today I got Keegan to add to my collection his character Toby is my favourite male character I sent the the address on this site and I sent on the 30th October 2011 and recieved it today (9th March 2012) he signed the photo I sent him, my scrapbook page and filled out my Q&A !!! he even added his own photo which he signed and on the back of it he wrote his twitter account lol, I did send an SAE with a few dollars to cover return postage but the autos were sent to me in a different envelope with my dollars returned, so he payed for return postage envelope: Q&A: Scrapbook Page: photo: his photo: Twitter name:

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Keegan Allen (Pretty little liars) Success! - 2011年8月11日
Hey guys! Im so happy, I got an autographed picture from Keegan Allen (Toby on pretty little liars) Sent only a LOR, on July 20th 2011 Recieved: August 11th 2011 Im not sure what address he recieved my letter at, because the return address is different but I sent one to the ABC family address, and one to Keegan Allen 1900 Ave. Of the Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA, 90067 Hes so nice he paid for postage and he also wrote on the picture: Nicole, I cant wait to visit CANADA! See you there! Stay True <3 Keegan Allen I dont have a scanner so I just uploaded it from my camera on a website and also the envelope is behind it. View picture here: http://nicole710.deviantart.com/#/d468dxr - Thanks Keegan and Fanmail.biz <img src=

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Keegan Allen success - 2011年8月8日
Sent LOR and SASE: about 3 or 4 weeks ago. not sure of exact date. Received 8x10 picture today on August 8,2011 Used this address: 1900 Ave. Of the Stars Suite 2475 Los Angeles, CA, 90067 Sorry no scanner to show picture.

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