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Maggie Smithの直筆サイン入り写真 (15 / 27ページ):

Dame Maggie Smith SUCCESS - 2012年8月19日
Sent 21/7/12 Recieved 16/8/12 Dame Maggie Smith - Actress (Harry Potter etc) Sent to her Agents - ITG Received - EIGHT signed trading cards for auction A couple of the cards can be found here >> RM

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Maggie Smith - 2012年8月18日
Sent: July 3, 2012 Letter, Photo, SAE, IRC Received: August 17, 2012 Photo signed and personalized in my SAE. Her writing got a bit smudged on the back of the with compliments card. Ah well. I can still read it! Address Used: c/o ICM 76 Oxford Street London W1D OAX UK - -

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Quickly Maggie Smith SUCCESS x2/3 - 2012年8月16日
Sent: on 5 July 2012 I sent LOR, 3 photos and self-addressed envelope to Maggie Smith Received: 16 August 2012: 1 photo with dedication for me 1 photo with dedicaton for my mom 1 unsigned all in my self-addressed I ussed addess: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK photos+envelope: - this is my 5th SUCCESS from HP. I have SUCCESS from : Matthew Lewis Shirley Henderson John Cleese Zoë Wanamaker and now from Maggie Smith All coments are welcome

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Maggie Smith success - 2012年8月15日
This is my second success from Dame Maggie Smith sent: LOR+SAE+card (29.may.2012.) rec: my personalized card in my SAE (15.aug.2012.) <img src= addr: Maggie Smith, Independent Talent Group Ltd., Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London W1D 1BS, UK -

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Maggie Smith Success!!! - 2012年7月26日
Sent - 10th May 2012 Recieved - 24th July 2012 Address Used - Maggie Smith, Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, London W1D 1BS, UK. I sent Maggie Smith a letter saying about how I thought she was brilliant in Harry Potter. I did NOT include a photo for her to sign. Here are the photos... Personalized Photo - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/83 ... 025jw.jpg/ Letter - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/85 ... 027pz.jpg/ Envelope - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/53 ... 028iv.jpg/

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