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Maggie Smithの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 27ページ):

Dame Maggie Smith SUCCESS - 2013年3月25日
Sent: 11 September 2012 I SASE + 3 photos Recieved: 6 December 2012 I recieved Singed Photos and short letter + not signed 2 photos! ADDRESS USSED: Dame Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS United Kingdom Info: Dame Margaret Natalie "Maggie" Smith, DBE, (born 28 December 1934) is an English film, stage and television actress. Picture: http://rzelik7.blogspot.com/2012/12/maggie-smith.html Envelope: -

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Maggie Smith Success - 2013年3月23日
MAGGIE SMITH Sent: 8x10, LOR and SASE on 21/12/12 Recieved: 8x10 signed and dedicated on 23/03/13 Sent to Maggies fanmail address in London but return envelope was stamped from Greenford/Windsor. Address: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK -

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Maggie Smith (Harry Potter/Downton Abbey) (Second) success - 2013年3月22日
I sent Maggie a LOR, SASE and my series 2 cover of Downton Abbey on December 30, 2012 and today I got a reply! Always happy when I get a reply from Dame Maggie. She is very nice with fan mail and from what I see always willing to sign. This took a bit longer than my first success but I know she has just started filming the new series of Downton Abbey. As well as signing her autograph to me she added in a piece of paper saying "Maggie Smith With complaints". I got one of these last time I sent to her. She sends them all the time I believe. Sorry for the bad photo the camera on my iPad sucks! DVD cover: - Note: - Envelope: - The address I used was: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS

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Maggie Smith success! - 2013年1月5日
Sent: 7/10/12 Received: 5/1/13 Address: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK Sent: SASE envelope, picture Pictures: Envelope: Autograph: Also cam with a compliments sheet

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Maggie Smith Success :D - 2013年1月3日
Sent: SAE, LOR, 1 photograph on 11 November 2012 Received: 1 autograph in my envelope on 29 December 2012 Address used: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK - But the photo was destroyed by glue. <img src=

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