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Maggie Smithの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 27ページ):

Maggie Smith success - 2013年1月3日
I sent a letter, 1 picture and an envelope with the postage paid to Maggie Smith back in August and i got the pic back signed i think it was about 2 months later I used the address in the database And she personalised it to me <img src= - Im so hqppy with this success as im a huge harry potter fan <img src=

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Maggie Smith HP success - 2013年1月2日
Sent: 27.06.11 Received: 23.11.11 I sent letter, photo and SAE and I got signed photo. Very happy <img src= - Adress: Maggie Smith Independen Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK

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Maggie Smith success - 2012年12月29日
Sent: SASE, one photo and LOR on 21/09/2012. Received: 07/12/2012 my picture back signed and personalized. Address used: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK Picture: https://picasaweb.google.com/108651990289051135799/AktorzyAktorki#5820009610030806434 Envelope: ###://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/2vcb.jpg/:http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/2vcb.jpg

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Dame Maggie Smith 2nd success!! - 2012年12月28日
Send: october 2012 (LOR, SASE and 2 photos). Recived december 2012; 2 photos 1 of them signed and personalised. Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK I've3 decided to write for 2nd time because I really want to have personalised photo. I've sent dwo photos beacuase I couldn't decide which I love more;). Dame Smith is so AWESOME. She's a great actresss and I respect her so much!. Happy Birthaday Maggie!!!

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Maggie Smith Success - 2012年12月21日
I sent LOR, two photos and SAE. Received one photo signed and one unsigned in my SAE. Sent: 03 October 2012 Received: 21 December 2012 Address used: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK - -

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