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Maggie Smithの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 27ページ):

Maggie Smith Success - 2013年7月23日
Send: 05/27/13 - SASE, letter, 2 pics and an international answer coupon Received: 07/22/13 - my 2 pics signed Adress used: The one in the database Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK Pictures (i will only post one signed pic, the other one was for my mother): - -

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Maggie Smith - Success - 2013年7月22日
Hello! <img src= I still cant believe it, but today I found in my mailbox autograph from Maggie Smith! Im really happy for that, because I think shes amazing actress. Sent: 13th May, SASE Received: 22th July, 1 signed photo I used address in the database. <img src= -

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Maggie Smith - (professor Mcgonagall) success - 2013年7月20日
Maggie Smith success! <img src= I sent a SASE and LOR Sent: 22/06/2013 Received: 20/07/2013 Address: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK - So pleased, I think she was amazing playing Professor Mcgonagall in the Harry Potter series. Also she has done numerous other works, such as the film Keeping Mum which I thought was very funny.

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Maggie Smith Success! - 2013年7月10日
Sent: May 19th 2012 Received: July 24th 2012 Got back a personalised signed picture and a nice letter from her secretary! <img src= Address used: Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK Image: -

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Maggie Smith SUCCESS - 2013年5月27日
Maggie Smith Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK SENT : 30.04.2013 , SAE, LOR RECEIVED : 22.05.2013 -

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