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Mark Harmonの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 13ページ):

Mark Harmon Success - 2013年3月24日
I sent LOR, photo, trading card and SAE. Received my photo and trading card signed in my SAE. Received from Spanky Taylor. Sent: 08 September 2012 Received: 20 March 2013 Address used: Mark Harmon Wings Productions, Inc. 2236-A Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas, CA 92024 USA - - -

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Mark Harmon Success! :D - 2012年9月15日
Wooo! My first autograph EVER from Mark Harmon- NCIS!!! <img src= Sent LOR, SAE and photo Used: Mark Harmon "NCIS" Valencia Studios 26030 Avenue Hall Box 4 Valencia, CA 91355 USA Sent: 08/21/12 Received photo back signed 09/15/12 -

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Mark Harmon (NCIS) Success! - 2012年8月17日
I sent out a LOR, SASE and 1 photo to be signed about a month ago. Today I received back my picture signed in my SASE. I used the NCIS address in the database. So excited! picture - envelope -

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Mark Harmon Success - 2012年8月12日
Sent Mark Harmon LOR, SASE, 2 5x7s to the NCIS studio address in the database sent 6/30/2012. Received both my 5x7s signed and personalized in my SASE on 8/10/2012. -

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Mark Harmon (NCIS) Great Success :D - 2012年4月30日
Another addition to my NCIS project! About 2 months ago, I sent a letter, DVD cover, and an SASE to Mr. Harmon requesting an autograph for me and my friend. He not only sent the DVD cover back signed but sent two additional photos of his own for me and my friend. I could not be happier. He used the SASE for the DVD cover but used his own envelope and paid the postage for the two bigger photos. Great success! Used the NCIS Address in the database. Thanks Fanmail and Mr. Harmon! (I now have David McCallum and Mark Harmon) Photos: - Envelope: -

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Mark Hirschbeck (Former Mlb Umpire) Success!



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