Mark Harmonの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 13ページ):
Mark Harmon success!! - 2018年8月20日 Great Mark Harmon success. Wrote him about 3 weeks ago and received the reply last week (August 13th). He was really fast! I once wrote him about 3 years ago and received back an autograph a year later wrote him because my boyfriend really wanted an autograph of him, and what a coincidence? Just a few days before his birthday, I got the reply!! So cool. One photo addressed to me, one to him. Mark even wrote something on my little note, which I can not read but so happy with this success! Used the adress in the database, Wings Production. HeÂs so amazing to his fans ... 31943.html
Signed photos
Will upload the envelope soon, site doesnÂt work right now |
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Mark Harmon Success - 2018年3月10日 I sent LOR, SASE and a picture on 18th Oct 17 and received it back signed on 8th Feb 18.
Address used:
Mark Harmon
Wings Productions, Inc.
2236-A Encinitas Boulevard
Encinitas, CA 92024
|  |
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Mark Harmon Success - 2018年1月27日 I wrote to Mark Harmon on 24 October 2017 at:
c/o Wings Productions, Inc.
2236 Encinitas Bl. Suite #A
Encinitas, CA 92024
I sent a 3X5 card, 8X10 photo and a SASE
On 14 Nov 2017 I received my 8X10 picture inscribed to me.
Sorry still using dial-up so I cannot upload a scan.
Also sorry for the delay, I thought I had posted this response. |
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Mark Harmon - Success - 2016年8月25日 Wanted to thank you for the address you provided here in your forum. I used:
Wings Productions, Inc.
2236-A Encinitas Boulevard
Encinitas, CA 92024
Sent LOR, 8x10 and SASE on 8/1/16. Received signed and personalized 8/22/16. Long-time fan of his. Was a nice surprise to get it back so quickly. |
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Mark Harmon success. - 2016年8月10日
Sent: 2 months ago
Received: 8/10/16
Used the address from the database.
Mark Harmon
Wings Productions, Inc.
2236-A Encinitas Boulevard
Encinitas, CA 92024
USA |  |
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