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Mark Harmonの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 13ページ):

Mark Harmon Success - 2016年6月17日
So I sent my 2 photos at the end of April 26/04/16 I live in the UK so sent my American stamps for the sase. Was so surprised that I received the photos yesterday 16/06/16. Was so happy to receive these so quickly. Well worth doing for any fan. I used the Wing Productions address Encinitas CA.

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Mark Harmon NCIS Huge success - 2016年4月5日
So i sent a letter and 2 pics to mark harmon, one of him an cast pic...... I was prerry much expecting him to sign...what i wasnt expecting was the cast pic signed by everyone apart from cote de pablo!! they used my envelope, and stamps, although no marks/frankings at all. very pleased....need to track down miss de pablo to complete this one!! was sent on february 13th 2016, recieved today (april 5th 2016) sent to the valencia studios address. "NCIS" Valencia Studios 26030 Avenue Hall Box 4 Valencia, CA 91355 USA

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Mark Harmon success!!!! - 2016年2月11日
Sent Mark Harmon SASE, fan letter, and two photos to address in database (Encinitas, CA) on 01/09/2016. Got both pictures back signed and personalized on 02/09/2016. Kinda sad that the signature is hard to read but still super excited. He was one I didn't think I'd get back.

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Mark Harmon - 2015年8月12日
Sent LOR and SASE on January 23rd, 2015. On August 7th, 2015 I received two 8 x 10 black and white autographed photos from Mr. Harmon. Address Used: “NCIS” Valencia Studios 26030 Avenue Hall Box 4 Valencia, CA 91355 Please see below for link to photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/db603a9 ... uvngn.html

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Mark Harmon Success - 2015年7月31日
Received a signed 8x10 from Mark Harmon today, he inscribed it for a friends birthday! Used his production company address listed here. Post office bent the mailer a bit, and shoved it into my mailbox bent; nothing a frame won't hide.

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