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Mary Costaの直筆サイン入り写真 (14 / 15ページ):

Mary Costa ("Sleeping Beauty") Big Success! - 2011年9月9日
Today I recieved Mary Costas autograph. About 3 weeks ago I sent a LOR and a SASE to Ms. Costa. I used the address in the database. I requested an autograph for both me and my son. She sent 3 photos autographed and an information sheet about her doing the voice for Sleeping Beauty (which she signed too!) She is great to her fans! - - - - -

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Mary Costa (Sleeping Beauty) x4 - 2011年9月7日
Well helllo! Yesterday was not ONLY amazing, but I received two letters in the mail. One was from the legendary Misses Costa. She signed not only the picture my sister drew of sleeping beauty, but she also signed two more sleeping beauty pictures, and one of her! Great success! Thanks Fanmail!!! <img src= <img src= <img src= Plus Mary Costa has BEAUTIFUL handwriting!! Sent: August 27th, 2011 Received: September 6th, 2011 Pictures: - - - Received two of the above picturee! ^^ All signed. {{{Envelope posted later}}}

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Mary Costa - Disney legend SUCCESS - 2011年8月24日
Ive sent for Ms.Costa a photo, a returned envelope and a card with my wishes for her. Today Ive recieved the answer. She is such sweet lady! She put many souvenirs for me, but she replaced my photo for her ones. sent: 15.07.2011 recieved: 24.08.2011 Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA

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Mary Costa - DISNEY SLEEPING BEAUTY - 2011年8月16日
Sent one 10x8 to Mary about 4 weeks ago and LOR with IRC Today got my photo back with another sleeping beauty photo and small photo of Mary with dedication. and even got my IRC back ! Such a nice success and lovely signature worth writing to. Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA

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Mary Costa (Sleeping Beauty) Success! x2 + Q&A cards! - 2011年8月15日
About 3/4 weeks ago I sent a LOR, SAE, 2 dollars, 1 VHS cover and 3 Q&A cards to Mary at the address in the database and today I received my VHS cover back signed along with another photo she sent and she answered my 3 Q&A cards! She even sent my $2 back! Wow, Im so happy with this success, especially how she wrote quite a lot on my question cards! Although Im finding it quite hard to read her answers! The photos are below. 8)<!-- s8) --> 

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