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Mary Costaの直筆サイン入り写真 (15 / 15ページ):

Mary Costa Success! - 2011年8月13日
I just love classic Disney, so it is an honor to get my photo back signed by Mary. She did the voice of Sleeping Beauty. Her signature is the most beautiful signature Ive ever seen! Sent: 1 picture and SASE on July 22nd Received: My photo backed signed and sent me a second picture that she signed too on Aug 11th Address: Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 Picture I sent: http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee90 ... /1MC-1.jpg Picture she sent: http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee90 ... 1MC2-1.jpg Envelope: http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee90 ... 1MCE-1.jpg Thanks Mary and FM! <img src=

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Mary Costa (Princess Aurora, Sleeping Beauty) Success! - 2011年7月15日
Date Sent- Last Week Date Received- 7/15/11 Address Used- Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 Can a person fall in love with a signature? Well I just did. Mary signed the photo I sent her, and I must say she has the most beautiful signature Ive ever seen! <img src= <img src= <img src= And to add to that she even wrote me back to me telling about her experience while being casted for "Sleeping Beauty"! Very cool! Ms. Costa, thank you so much! <img src= Heres the photo- - The front of the note- http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/img2588o.jpg And the signature on the back of the note- http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/339/img2590t.jpg

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Mary Costa (Disney Sleeping Beauty) PHENOMENAL success - 2011年7月14日
Sent : LOR photo and SASE to address on database 20/6/2011 Received : My photo signed in my SASE plus TWO MORE DEDICATED signed photos!!! 14/7/2011 Thanks so much to this DIsney Legend!!! AMAZING!!! Images + envelope - - -

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Mary Costa (Princess - Sleeping Beauty) FAVORITE SUCCESS - 2011年6月21日
(9) - Personalized Autogrpah & Sent Her Own Pictures Mary Costa (Princess Aurora - Sleeping Beauty) Mailed: 10/4/10 (11x17 & 5x7) (12 Day Turnaround) Received: 10/16/10 Personalized & Sent Her Own 5x5 & 8x10 Sleeping Beauty Pics Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 Sorry guys, I know this is an old success. I had to put this one in a frame though & kept forgetting to take it down and scan it. Without a shadow of a doubt this is my favorite success. My 11x17 came back beat to death, however she supplied a small picture of herself along with her very on 8x10. Its personalized with a nice message and some of the most beautiful handwriting. - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/ranbowski:ranbowski at 2011-06-20

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