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Mary Costaの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 15ページ):

Voice of Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty Mary Costa - 2013年2月20日
So excited to get my first success back! Sent 2 4x6 and my DVD case and received it all back signed + A 5x6 and article she added. Used this address: 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 I sent this January 31 and received it today February 20! -

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Mary Costa Brilliant Success - 2013年1月23日
This is success request send my american friend. And now autographs arrive to me. He sent LOR, two photos and SASE. Received two photos (first and second) signed and four another photos signed in another envelope. Sent: 23 August 2012 Received: 15 September 2012 Address used: Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA - - - - - - - - -

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Mary Costa success! - 2012年12月2日
I sent SASE, letter and one 5x7 photo on November 20 and received my photo plus three others on December 1. I used the address in the database. - - the back of the photo, she wrote the part she performed in the picture - - the photo I sent - -

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Mary Costa " - 2012年11月19日
Sent 11/09/12 Received 11/19/12 Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 Sent her an LOR, SASE and 2 index cards. She sent back both index cards signed and 2 personalized pictures. And paid for postage. Such a sweet lady with AMAZING hand writing. -

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Mary Costa (Sleeping Beauty)/(Very quick & sweet) Succes - 2012年11月15日
Hi I wrote a LOR to the lovely Disney Legend Mary Costa. The voice actress & insparation for Sleeping Beauty (Princess Aurora) from the 1959s Sleeping Beauty. Send on 10/15/12: LOR, photo, SAE & $2. To: Mary Costa 3340 Kingston Pike Unit 1 Knoxville, TN 37919-4674 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

On 11/14/12 i recieved: my photo signed 2 times  and what she added (photo, doorhanger and a article) signed in my SAE.
And my $2 dollars back <!-- s<img src= --><img src= and she wrote on the envelop Thank You Lisa <img src= Photos: Autographs: - Envelope: -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
Hi Everyone!
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