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Rhonda Flemingの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 7ページ):

Another RHONDA FLEMING Success! - 2013年3月27日
Rhonda Fleming succesds. Image: - - -

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Rhonda Fleming - actress - 2013年3月25日
Name: Rhonda Fleming Sent: december 2012 (letter) Received: january 2013 (photo) Address: Post Office Box 960 Beverly Hills, California 90212 Usa web: http://www.rhondafleming.com Photo: -

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Amazing Rhonda Fleming RARE Photo? Success! - 2013年2月27日
Sent LOR (quite detailed) and SAE to Ms. Flemings address listed in database 6 days ago. Recieved a lovely colour 8 x 10 photo with an imprinted stamp (right into the paper on bottom right-hadn corner) that says "authentic private collection" My camera is terrible...but in the image, you will see a circular imprint. At first I thought it had been damaged! Not completely sure what that means....perhaps from her private collection? The photo seems very rare (only seen 1 other photos like this). I have tried googleing the image. Recieved within 6 days! This is the best success yet. Picture: -

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Rhonda Fleming - actress - 2013年2月26日
Name: Rhonda Fleming Sent: december 2012 (letter + photo) Received: december 2012 (my photo) Address: 10281 Century Woods Dr. Los Angeles, California 90067-6312 Usa web: http://www.rhondafleming.com Photo: -

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Rhonda Fleming Success - 2013年2月26日
Address used Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 USA Sent January 17, 2013, received February 26, 2013. - - - God bless Rhonda and Fanmail! <img src= <img src=

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Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
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