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Rhonda Flemingの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 7ページ):

Amazing Classic Actress Rhonda Fleming SUCCESS! - 2013年2月19日
Sent a LOR, SASE, 4 photos to Ms. Fleming 2 weeks ago. Very quick reply! Very happy with this success! Recived today, all 4 photos signed and 1 personalized. Address used: Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 USA -

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Rhonda Fleming Awesome Success! (Spellbound) - 2013年2月13日
10281 Century Woods Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA Success (8 Days) 2013/01/17 2013/01/25 Spellbound (1945) Out of the Past (1947) Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) The Spiral Staircase (1945) Comment: Signed 3/3 [youtubeoZeYuLY8pr8[/youtube

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Rhonda Fleming Succes x4 - 2013年1月28日
Hello !!! i send a letter, post, envelope, 6 photos and 6 old lobby cards. I receive 4 photos signed only. Very happy with this succes !!! 8-1-2013 28-1-2013 PHOTO: - RHONDA FLEMING 10281 CENTURY WOODS DR LOS ANGELES, CA 90067- 6312 USA THANKS FANMAIL !!!!! <img src= <img src= <img src=

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Rhonda Fleming success - 2012年11月17日
Sent: SASE, LOR and two pictures on 20/10/2012. Received: 17/11/2012, my pictures back signed and personalized. Address used: Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 USA Pictures: Envelope:

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Rhonda Fleming success - 2012年8月18日
Sent 8/11/12; Received 8/18/12; about 7 days Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 I sent LOR, SASE, and my trading card. Edit: I just remembered that I sent two trading cards. She didnt returned the other "Hollywood Walk of Fame" trading card. This happened to another collector too. See this topic: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=252336 A collector in this thread said that the "Hollywood Walk of Fame" trading cards were bootleg. viewtopic.php?t=262682 -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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