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Rhonda Flemingの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Rhonda Fleming awesome success) - 2012年3月16日
Sent: Feb 2012, 1 pic, letter and SAE Rec.: Mar 2012, 2 pics signed (mine + extra) and beautifully personalized (so fast!!!) Address (used from database): Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA Photos: Can anyone tell me what is written on the first photo between words “To my” and “fan”, please? - - - Many thanks, miss Fleming and fanmail.biz!

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Rhonda Fleming - Success - 2011年8月18日
Sent: 5th August 2011 Received: 18th August 2011 Sent letter, 2 photos, SAE and $3 to Rhonda Fleming who starred in Alfred Hitchcocks Spellbound. Received the photos back signed Address used: 10281 Century Woods Dr. Los Angeles CA 90067 USA - - -

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Rhonda Fleming SUPER SUCCESS! - 2011年5月13日
Sent: January 18, 2011 - Letters, SASE, and 2 5x7 photos. (Used the Century Woods Dr. address in the database) 10281 Century Woods Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA Received: January 31, 2011 - Both photos signed and personalized, and she also included a larger photo of her own signed and personalized to both of us along with a little note from her assistant. - We couldnt be happier with this success, knowing that she doesnt always sign. She is such a great talent.

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
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