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Rushの直筆サイン入り写真 (19 / 29ページ):

Geoffrey Rush success - 2012年12月6日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 2 5x7 photographs on 6 September 2012 Received: My photographs signed and in my envelope on 6 December 2012 Address used: Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. Level 3 Berman House 91 Campbell Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 AUSTRALIA The scans can also be found on my Facebook page: Photo 1: Photo 2: Envelope:

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GEOFFREY RUSH 2nd SUCCES - 2012年12月6日
Sent: october 2012 recived: 3rd of december 2012. Adress form DB. Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. Level 3 Berman House 91 Campbell St Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia I've sent: LOR, SAE 2 photos and 1 cover of "Pirates" and a small poem about GR I recived my photos and cover signed. I really like mr Rush

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Geoffrey Rush (Pirates of the Carribean) 3x Success - 2012年12月4日
Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty. Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Australia 14.09.12 - 01.12.12 Send LOR, SASE and two 20x30 Pics and one DVD Cover presigned from Ian McShane and Kevin McNally Dennis

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Geoffrey Rush - great success - 2012年12月2日
Hi, sent 2 photos on the 21st June to address in database. Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. Level 3 Berman House 91 Campbell St Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia Got them back signed and personalized for me and my sister on the 1st Dec So funny

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Geoffrey Rush SUCCESS - 2012年12月1日
Sent: 18th June 2011 2 Pictures, Letter and an envelope for the answer Received: 1st December 2012 My 2 Pictures signed and personalized. Addres Used: Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. Level 3 Berman House 91 Campbell Street Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia Picture:

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Tracy Stratford Rts
Milwaukee Brewers Fan Pack Success
Matthew Mcconaughey Rts
Aerosmith Rts
Chrissie Hynde - Failure - Item Returned Stating No More Autographs (The Pretenders)
Ian Brown (Stone Roses Singer) - Unsuccessful - Used Different Address
Drake Hogestyn Success!
Music - Bruce Hornsby Success
Nhl - Brooks Laich Success
Nhra - John Force Success



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