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Rushの直筆サイン入り写真 (24 / 29ページ):

Geoffrey Rush - SUCCESS!!! - 2011年12月29日
(8) Personalized Geoffrey Rush (Pirates) Mailed: 7/23/11 (3 - 5x7 & $2) (2½ Month Turnaround) Received: 10/7/11 Personalized 2 of 3 Pictures Love the auto on one, but hate the other was in silver. Smeared like a mofo. Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300 Australia By at 2011-12-28

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Kendal Schmidt (Big Time Rush) Success!!!! - 2011年11月1日
Sent: July 26, 2011 Received: Early September 2011 So excited to hear back from him! It's personalized also! I'm pretty sure it's real, but would love notes on authenticity! Also, has anyone else gotten successes from James, Carlos, or Logan? Just curious! Address used: Kendall Schmidt Protégé Entertainment 710 E. Angeleno Avenue Burbank, CA 91501 USA Picture:

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Geoffrey Rush Success !! - 2011年10月10日
Hi!! I sent a letter, 4 photos,LOR,SAE and IRC. Received - one photo back signed. Sent: 22.08.2011 Received: 10.10.2011 Address: Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300 Australia I'm not scanner envelope.

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Geoffrey Rush Success! - 2011年10月7日
Hi, Sent my custom card to Mr Rush on the 19th August along with some IRC's and a letter and received my custom card back signed on the 6th October. Used address in database Shanahan Management, Australia Really pleased with this success, another to add to my King's Speech collection! And I think the signature is authentic although my name looks like it was written in after, but still really pleased as I wasnt sure I was going to get this back with IRC's Sorry threw away the envelope Thanks, Brookton

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Geoffrey Rush funny SUCCESS - 2011年10月6日
I love Geoffrey Rush - he is so great to his fans. I used the address in the database, and sent a LOR, 2 photos, a questionnaire and a $5 note for postage. I love the quirky comments he puts on his photos. Sent: 05/09/11 Received: 06/10/11 Hope you don't mind but I'd rather not include the questionnaire as some of it was personal to me, but here are the photos and envelope: envelope picture 1 picture 2

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