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Rushの直筆サイン入り写真 (23 / 29ページ):

Geoffrey Rush - 2012年3月7日
I send a letter + photo + SAE in September 2011 To this adress: Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300 Australia I received yesterday my photo back signed with a note on the back of my photo. Amazing success! Photo on my website:

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Geoffrey Rush Success - 2012年2月24日
Sent a LOR, an A4 SASE, and 3 photos (one 8x10, one 7x7, one 6x4) to the address is the data base. Geoffrey Rush Shanahan Management Pty Ltd. P.O. Box 1509 Darlinghurst, NSW 1300 Australia Sent on the 10th February (fairly sure) and received today (24th Feb). All three are personalised. Here are the photos: http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af350/camillac/DSC01732.jpg http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af350/camillac/DSC01733.jpg http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af350/camillac/DSC01734.jpg And heres the envelope: http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af350/camillac/DSC01735.jpg Really happy with this success <img src= All comments welcome

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Barbara Rush - 2012年2月9日
Hi All, I sent a DVD cover to Barbara on the 13th of Jan 2012 and the cover arrived back today 9th Feb 2012 signed. Great quick reply, I really love this 50's Si Fi Movie. I used this address: Barbara Rush 1708 Tropical Ave Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2732 USA

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Kendall Schmidt (Big Time Rush) Success! - 2012年2月3日
I'm a big fan of Big Time Rush and I saw their perfomance at Jingle Ball in December! I sent a only a LOR to him before that concert but forgot the exact date... Anyway, I'm really happy about this!! Even though the photo he sent is really tiny... lol Used the address in the database. Sent: ??/??/11 Received: 2/2/12 Sorry, no envelop.

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carlos pena from big time rush rts - 2012年1月10日
hey guys today in the mail i got a rts from carlos pena from big time rush the it said refused and big letters they put rts on it the fan mail i used was carlos pena big time rush uptown productions inc 5555 melrose ave los angeles ca 90028

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