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Tony Bennettの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 8ページ):

Tony Bennett Success - 2015年2月17日
An amazing success from the legendary Tony Bennett! In a little over a month I was able to receive my photo signed with a beautiful signature in gold ink. Sent: 1/6/15 Received: 2/12/15 Sent to: Mr. Tony Bennett C/O Benedetto Arts LLC 48 West 10th St Suite B New York, NY 10011 http://surfmypictures.com/image/bd46847 ... extn9.html

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Tony Bennett - Success - 2014年11月7日
On 10-28-14 I emailed Mr. Tony Bennett at his Web site: http://www.exploringthearts.org/contact to request an autograph. Yesterday I received a very nice black and white 8X10 autographed photo. No return address is on the envelope. Thank you very much Mr. Bennett. - -

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Tony Bennett success - 2014年7月8日
Sent lor, 4x6 photo, sase to Mr Bennett on 6/16 and received today 7/8, personalized to me. Tony Bennett Bennedetto Arts, LIC 48 W 10th St, Ste B NY, NY 10011 Unable to scan

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Tony Bennett Success - 2014年5月12日
Sent: 4-22-14 Received: 5-12-14 I sent 2 4x6 photos and an index card to the address in the database and got the photos back signed in silver. Tony Bennett Benedetto Arts Llc. 48 West 10th Street Suite B New York, NY 10011 USA - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Tony Bennett Success - 2014年2月15日
Sent: 02/05/2014 Received: 02/15/2014 Address Used: Tony Bennett c/o Benedetto Arts LLC 48 W. 10th St, Ste B New York, NY 10011 Sent LOR, SASE, and 2 Photos. Received both back signed. - -

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