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Tony Bennettの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):

Tony Bennett TTM Success! - 2013年3月18日
Sent a SASE, LOR, and two 4X6 photos on 3/4/13. Received both photos signed on 3/18/13. Used Address In The Database. Tony Bennett Benedetto Arts Llc. 48 West 10th Street Suite B New York, NY 10011 USA -

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Tony Bennett - 2013年2月2日
My step dad is a big fan of his music and his birthday is Feb 4th. So about 2 weeks ago I sent out my first ever ttm auto request with lor telling Tony about my dad with a sase to my step dad. It arrived yesterday with 2 autoed pics my step dad was super excited. He had no idea I sent out for them. No pics he has them maybe add them later. This was my first attempt and success so hellz yeah

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Tony Bennett success - 2012年12月13日
I sent a letter, photo and SASE on Oct 26th and received signed photo on Nov 19th. I sent it to his art gallery with some photos of my artwork hoping it would influence getting a real sig. I think it is authentic - any help? The address I used was: TONY BENNETT BENEDETTO ARTS 48 WEST 10TH ST. STE. B NEW YORK, NY 10011 -

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Tony Bennett Success! - 2012年11月29日
I sent a letter From France to Mr. Bennett on November 7, 2012 with a paper size photo, and received it signed today (November 28,2012 slightly damaged).He posted it on November 21, so glad about it, huge Singer!!! <img src= address: Tony Bennett Benedetto Arts LLC. 48 West 10th Street Suite B New York, NY 10011 USA - - Thanks to Fanmail.biz <img src=

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Tony Bennett Success... - 2012年11月16日
I send to Tony Bennett 2 photos , one of him and one with Andrea Bocelli (signed by Bocelli in person in Italy) . Tony send me the 2 photos , and he sign ONLY the picture with him !!! I send him a letter, 2 Coupon but he pay the postal fees , he has sent me my 2 coupon ! I use the address : Tony Bennett Benedetto Arts LLC. 48 West 10th Street Suite B New York, NY 10011 USA Sent: 25 October 2012 Received: 16 November 2012 - - Thanks fanmail.biz

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