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Tony Bennettの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 8ページ):

Tony Bennett second success! - 2013年12月5日
Sent letter SASE and two concert tickets on 11/16 received both signed today! - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Mr. Tony Bennett c/o Bendetto Arts, LLC. 48 West 10th Street Suite B New York, NY 10011

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Tony Bennett Success - 2013年11月6日
I used the address in database. Sent letter, SAE, one IRC and two photo on 08th of October, received on 06th November the twoo pictures signed, & my IRC is back, . Adress use : Tony Bennett Benedetto Arts Llc. 48 West - 10th Street Suite B New-York, NY 10011 USA - - -

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Tony Bennett success - 2013年8月31日
Tony Bennett Used address in database. Sent two photos, LOR, SASE on 7/11/13 and received both signed (one personalized) two weeks later. Awesome success! -

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Tony Bennett success need some help though please - 2013年6月14日
Hi I receive my Tony Bennett photo back signed but I need your help please <img src= The other successes I have noticed have been done in sharpie and have been slightly bigger. This sig is very tiny and I know it is hard to see in the pic but I can see different pressure spots on the photo. Does anyone have a similar autograph? Thanks! - -

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Tony Bennett SUCCESS! - 2013年6月13日
On May 9 I sent a letter, picture, and SASE to Tony Bennett and today I received it back signed! Address used: Mr. Tony Bennett c/o Benedetto Arts Llc. 48 W. 10th Street Suite B New York, NY 10011 -

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