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Tony Dungyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 7ページ):

Tony Dungy Football H O F - 2023年4月17日
Anthony Kevin Dungy (/?d?nd?i/ DUN-jee; born October 6, 1955) is an American former football player and coach who served as a head coach in the National Football League (NFL) for 13 seasons with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Indianapolis Colts. Dungy's teams became perennial postseason contenders under his leadership, missing the playoffs only twice with Tampa Bay. He led the Colts to victory in Super Bowl XLI. Elected to the Football Hall Of Fame 2016. As a player: Pittsburgh Steelers (1977–1978) San Francisco 49ers (1979) As a coach: Minnesota (1980) Defensive backs coach Pittsburgh Steelers (1981–1983) Defensive backs coach Pittsburgh Steelers (1984–1988) Defensive coordinator Kansas City Chiefs (1989–1991) Defensive backs coach Minnesota Vikings (1992–1995) Defensive coordinator Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1996–2001) Head coach Indianapolis Colts (2002–2008) Head coach Sent him 2 cards on 1 Apr and got them back signed on 17 Apr. Mr Tony Dungy 16604 Villalenda De Avila Tampa FL 33613

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Tony Dungy Success - 2020年11月25日
Sent 2 TCs on 11/2/2020. Received both back signed on 11/25/2020. So happy with this return. Thank you Coach Dungy! 16604 Villalenda De Avila Tampa, FL 33613 Used my address info in To/From Block on return envelope.

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Tony Dungy Indianapolis colts - 2017年8月22日
One week ago I sent a photo to tony using the address in the database. Received it personalized today. Very great return from him. http://surfmypictures.com/image/77c848b ... snijn.html Tony Dungy 16604 Villalenda De Avila Tampa, FL 33613-5200 USA

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Tony Dungy (Former Colts Head Coach) Success - 2017年7月13日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and 4x6 photo to Tony Dungy on 6/21/17. Received my photo back signed and personalized on 7/13/17. Fantastic success that I can add to my other Super Bowl 41 autographs. Address used: Tony Dungy 16604 Villalenda De Avila Tampa, FL 33613-5200 USA Sent on: 6/21/17 Received on: 7/13/17 Picture: http://surfmypictures.com/image/f6d6668 ... uaxts.html

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Tony Dungy Success - 2016年11月15日
I sent a letter and SASE to Tony Dungy to the address in Tampa and got my picture back signed, personalized, and inscribed in about 15 days. Huge success!

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