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Wade Boggsの直筆サイン入り写真 (14 / 16ページ):

Wade Boggs Success!! and I didn't send any money. - 2012年9月15日
A Surprising success today as I got Wade Boggs back. I sent it out on August 2nd and afterwards I realized he charged so I figured I'd never see it. I have recently seen where some of you sent like $20. However, I guess I got luck because he signed 3/3 trading cards. Very awesome success for me as it's my first Hall of Famer. This is the address I used: Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa, FL 33647 However it was stamped Fort Lauderdale

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Wade Boggs, Baseball HOF'er, Success - 2012年8月30日
Sent Mr. Boggs a letter, Sports Illustrated, Blue Sharpie, SASE, and $20 on 8/24/12, addressed to: 6006 Windham Place, Tampa, FL 33647. SASE returned 8/30/12 with SI signed in blue and with HOF '05 added. Sorry no scanner.

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Wade Boggs - 2012年8月13日
Mailed: 08/06/12 Recvd: 08/13/12 Items: 3 cards (w/donation) Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa Palms, FL 33647 -

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Wade Boggs - 2012年8月4日
Mailed: 07/20/12 Recvd: 08/04/12 Items: 2 cards (with donation) Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa Palms, FL 33647 -

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Wade Boggs (Baseball HOF) SUCCESS - 2012年8月3日
Sent Mr Boggs 1 HOF PC, 2 cards, LOR and SASE on 7/5/12 and got all 3 back signed on 7/31/12. I mailed to him at 6006 Windham Pl. Tampa, FL 33647 -

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