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Wade Boggsの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 16ページ):

Wade Boggs Success - 2012年12月17日
Sent SASE, LOR, 8x10 and $10 donation to Wade Boggs addy in database on 12/5/12. Received back signed on 12/15/12. Very quick turnaround, thank you Mr. Boggs. -

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Wade Boggs Success (Tampa Bay Rays) - 2012年11月9日
Sent 8/24/12 Rec 11/6/12 Sent to Tampa addy in DB - -

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Wade Boggs Success - 2012年10月18日
8x10, $10 Check to "All Childrens Hospital",LOR Wade Boggs 6606 Windham Place Tampa, Florida 33647-1147 -

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Another Wade Boggs Success - 2012年9月16日
Sent 8/25 Received 9/15 Address from the database -

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Wade Boggs Success - 2012年9月15日
- Sent: July 31, 2012 Rcvd: September 15, 2012 Address: Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa Palms, FL 33647 USA Thought this was long gone actually. No donation sent, he signed 2 of the 4 cards. Great success. Cant complain here.

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