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Wade Boggsの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 16ページ):

Wade Boggs Success - 2015年5月1日
April 15, 2015- Sent LOR, SASE, Trading Card, 4x6 May 1, 2015- Received Trading Card & 4x6 SIGNED Check out all my autographs at http://www.zbowers17.wordpress.com Address Used Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa, FL 33647 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Wade Boggs success!! - 2015年4月15日
I sent Wade Boggs a letter, a baseball card, an SASE and a five dollar donation on April the 4th. I received it back signed today, April 14th. I used the address in the database. Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa, FL 33647 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/692381f ... nrmfi.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/692381f ... 9kccm.html

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Wade Boggs ( HOF Baseball Player ) TTM Success + Giveaway - 2015年4月14日
Sent Wade Boggs a LOR, SASE and 2 Baseball Cards on 03/14/15. Received both back signed, I did not send a donation with my cards. Thank you Wade! I am really happy with all the help I have received from everyone on the site. I have just recently started posting but I have been on here for a while. As a thank you to everyone that has helped me along I wanted to do a few giveaways and pay some of the blessings I have forward. You can see my Wade Boggs success here: www.autographrob.blogspot.com I am giving away a pretty cool signed rookie card on friday here: www.twitter.com/autographrob www.twitter.com/ttmmailday Thanks for reading, follow me at AutographRob

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wade boggs fail - 2015年4月6日
Sent letter sase and card on 1-9-15. On 3-5-15 got my return envelope back with my card unsigned oh well at least he sent the card back. Address used: 6006 Windham place Tampa, FL 33647 Not bothering posting picture but you can see all my successes follow me on twitter at cavewv

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Wade Boggs Success - 2015年3月16日
Sent him the 2 outter cards with return sae (bubble) But when he signed them they werent dry, i got them and they were smudged bad. So i sent them back lol. Well his wife got the smudged autos off lol and had him resign and they added a rc for my troubles lol All in all took less than a month to get them signed.

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