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Wade Boggsの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 16ページ):

Wade Boggs epic fail - 2016年8月4日
On July 5, just under a month ago, I sent a LOR, SASE and baseball card to Wade Boggs at the Tampa address in the database. Quick little bit of background. The card I sent was literally the very first baseball card I ever owned. My grandfather was a huge Red Sox fan and gave it to me, which which was part of a specialty set that could only be found in Maine. Part of what I wrote to Mr. Boggs was about that. Today, Aug. 4, I received the card back in my envelope not only unsigned, but it had been folded in half. The fact that it was then reinserted into the protective penny sleeve I use whenever I send cards clearly shows that it was done on purpose. I have no idea why anyone would do that, but needless to say, this was a failure.

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Wade Boggs Success - 2015年10月29日
Sent: LOR, photo and SASE on 1/30/15 Received: Photo signed on 10/29/15 address used: Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa, FL 33647

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Wade Boggs Success - 2015年8月1日
Received today, super fast - no more than 3 weeks wait. Free of charge! Thank You Mr. Boggs!

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Wade Boggs Success - 2015年7月7日
Sent a 8x10 photo, SASE, and letter to Wade Boggs 6006 Windham Place Tampa, FL 33647 Sent- March 2015 Received July 2015 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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wade boggs success - 2015年5月7日
Originally posted as a failure on 3-5-15 Sent my card letter and SASE on 1-9-15. On 3-5-15 I got my card back unsigned I thought do to the fact it was a patch card of his rookie card with patch in the card stock I figured the back would be a better place to sign so I asked him to sign the back. So when I got my card back I never really looked at the patch just the back until today when I was getting ready to resend it with $10 and I noticed something blue on the patch I guess he signed it and I was just disappointed when back wasn't signed I assumed he just didn't sign it and never looked at the front the ink bled into the patch little but still happy. Used tampa address in data base. You can see all my autographs follow me on twitter at cavewv No clue where I put envelope prob in trash due to thinking was a failure lol.

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