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Casey Kasemの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 5ページ):

Casey Kasem Success - 2014年4月14日
sent LOR and SASE 3/21 received on 4/12 used address in data base Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 USA -

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Casey Kasem Success - 2014年3月21日
Last Mon. I sent A SASE, and an LOR to actor/ Radio DJ Casey Kasem and today I got a pre-signed photo from Casey. I can tell its pre sigend after comparing it to a couple of other photos, The address I used was the address in the database photo and envelope below. - -

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Casey Kasem Success!!! - 2014年3月8日
Sent lor sase 02/15/14 rec 03/08/14 I am super new and this is my first non email success. - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Casey Kasem SUCCESS! - 2014年3月8日
Wow, I was beginning to think he stopped signing due to health. Sent letter SASE and photo on October 25. Today I received a signed 8X10 in his own envelope! Address: Mr. Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Casey Kasem success - 2013年5月6日
Hello all On April 19, 2013 I mailed out a Scooby an shaggy picture to Mr. Kasem. Today May 6 I got a return. he returned my picture and send his normal one that he signs. I dont know if its a stamped signature. it looks real. the ink where it starts and ends. - jaime

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