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Casey Kasemの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 5ページ):

Casey Kasem Success - 2013年2月19日
Known For:[list: [*:Scooby Doo – Shaggy (voice)[/*:m: [*:Super Friends – Robin/Dick Grayson (voice)[/*:m:[/list:u: Sent:[list: [*:02/01/2013[/*:m:[/list:u: Received:[list: [*:02/14/2013 (13 days) [/*:m:[/list:u: Address Used: [list: [* atabase[/*:m:[/list:u: Signed: 0/3 (Sent his own 8x10) -

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Casey Kasem Success! - 2013年1月22日
Sent LOR, SASE on december 15th, 2012. Received january 22nd 2012. sent to: Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 USA Pic: - Thoughts on authenticity are approved. He has been pre signing his before, and there is a line where the pen signed to photo, so its not a PP. I doubt it is an AP as well.

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Casey Kasem Success! - 2012年9月8日
I sent an LOR to the address in the Database in July, and never heard anything back, so I sent another one about three weeks ago, and today I received a signed 10x8 photo. Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 USA Photo: -

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Casey Kasem SUCCESS - 2012年8月15日
- Sent LOR and SASE on 8/3/12; Received 8/13/12 (10 days!) Casey Kasem (Voice Actor) - 8 x 10 photo Used Fanmail.biz address: Casey Kasem 138 North Mapleton Drive Los Angeles, CA 90077 Did not post envelope photo as it was SASE with my return address

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Casey Kasem Success! - 2012年6月28日
Sent: June 9 (LOR) Received: June 28 (signed 8x10) Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 - -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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